Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

not sure about the last part….. As for most of us, my daily (work) life consists of using multiple devices and with the addition of CoVid-19 the homeoffice introduced a number more of them. So what are we dealing with here? I have a PC at work, that runs Windows10, I have a PC at […]

E-Mail is dead, long live E-Mail!

Prologue I am not 100% certain, but SMTP is, as far as I know, one of the oldest protocols on the internet, going way back to the 1980s. So E-Mail and SMTP are with us for about 40 years now, so it must be doing something right. At least for me it is still one […]

A tempting fruit

With the recent step by Canonical to remove the native Firefox in Ubuntu and replace it with a snap, something strange happened. My main computer is a beast, it sports an AMD Ryzen 9 3950X, that is a 16 core CPU, hyper threaded (or whatever AMD calls it), 32GB of RAM and a super fast […]

The JingPad A1, my first review

A product review I never did a product review before, since to me they are mostly pointless. If a new iPad shows up you know what you are getting, the same OS as the last one had, just with a little more power to it. If a new OS shows up, what ever company supplies […]

A retraction

Yes, it has come to this. I have written something on the internet, that is not correct. I am referring to my post about the environmental gain of using EVs ( As was pointed out to me, my numbers were not up to date and thus I would like to correct my previous statement. I […]

Are electric vehicles going to save us?

With all the marketing and laws imposed on us, I started to think and look into things. As I turns out, I got an opinion and have things to say! Lucky you dear reader, ha? What are we actually looking at? First up, no one has a problem with cars as such, except for some […]

In recent news

Now, in recent news a well known computer company in California announced they would start scanning their customers phones for shell we call it illegal content. Since many blogs started blowing up about this I figured I should write here again and about something completely different, because why go with the masses…. Software I use […]

Why I still prefer Linux over anything else

And why I don’t run Arch btw… I think most people following this blog should by now be aware that my operating system of choice is neither Windows nor MacOS, although I recently tried both again. The fact I did run both of them again and tried to port my workflow all over again made […]

The search for the ultimate computing experience, Pt. 2

It has been a while First up, sorry, it took longer than expected and I am still not there yet, but at least I have some insight now I am ready to share. Where I am at by now In short, about to give up. A bit longer, keep on reading. The issues As you […]

The search for the ultimate computing experience

What the hell is he about again? This is something that has been in my head for some time now, we are all surrounded by various computing devices, all running different operating systems, supporting different programs and working differently. And frankly that is not a very good way to work, at least for me, because […] All Rights Reserved. Theme by 404 THEME.