A retraction

Yes, it has come to this.

I have written something on the internet, that is not correct. I am referring to my post about the environmental gain of using EVs (https://www.thewkblog.com/?p=355)

As was pointed out to me, my numbers were not up to date and thus I would like to correct my previous statement.

I stated 11.2 tonnes of CO2 for producing a 80 kWh battery which means 140g of CO2 per kWh.

According to a more recent study the actual values are between 61 to 108 g of CO2 per kWh


That of course means the overall emission over the usual first owner lifespan of an EV is much better than I calculated coming out to 13.6 tonnes in the worst case scenario an 9.9 tonnes at the best case scenario.

So ab EV pushes out between 5 to 9 tonnes less CO2 including production and running on average numbers compared to a combustion engine car.

I also wasn’t aware of the second life of a EV battery as a laptop, house or whatever power storage, meaning we save a lot of CO2 emissions by recycling used up batteries from cars in places where they are still feasible.

Even after that part of a batteries life there are still usable parts within it and there are already companies specializing in recycling these, like this one: https://www.duesenfeld.com/recycling_en.html

I am not sure how to put these added gains in numbers, so I am just going to leave it at: It could be much worse.

I will stick to my numbers concerning energy production though and that the western move to renewable sources, while not being able to cover 100% of the current (and rising) demand for energy, will lead to an increase in nuclear power and an increase in CO2 emissions in countries that export energy and don’t go along with the movement toward eco-friendly production. This will lead to other problems, I will not be addressing here.

But luckily there is something at least some of us can do and that something is solar power, the average solar panel zeros out CO2 emissions form production after about 1.5 years and after that fills up EVs and house batteries (recycled ones) with about 0g of CO2 per kWh.

And that combination does make a difference.

So to sum up, I was wrong, because my research was not ideal and I do apologize for that

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