Around the beginning of this year I decided to build myself a new server for my home use. This would be the third iteration of a home server. But it’s been a long road, getting from there to here. Gen 1 Gen 1 was a rather cheap dell poweredge that I got back in 2016 […]
Tag: linux
The new (home) Server
By trait I am an electronics engineer, although I have never worked in that field and never will, some of that education still remains with my interests and somehow effects my life. One of these things is computers and the things one can do utilising them. Back in 2016 I bought my first home server, […]
The thing about (mobile) browsers
I am not old enough to have been a participant in the first browser wars, when they ended 1998 I was about to meet my first computer, which was in 1999, and I couldn’t care less about who made my browser, or my OS for that matter. What was important was that the computer ran […]
The no headache Linux distribution
In December 2021 my trusty old thinkpad blew up its battery and left me without a good mobile computing option, due to availability and also a bit of curiosity I opted for a MacBook Air with the M1 Arm processor. Up until this point I was a Linux only user and kept moving between Ubuntu […]
Flutter, Day 02
Dear diary,today I resumed my journey into Flutter and like every good story, this one starts with a disaster. Not a Flutter related one, but I am getting ahead of myself. I started like on any other day of developing, good coffee, plug my MacBook Air into my external monitor and open up VS-Code. Quickly […]
My workflow changed (Partially)
I am not sure when this started happening, but I while back I could not live at the office without having at least three monitors to work on, one for mail, one for coding and one for server connections, testing and debugging. I gradually reduced that to two. Also, when multiple workspaces were an option, […]