
The 2018 Nissan Leaf 40kWh (Acenta)

I have had the pleasure to drive the 2018 Nissan Leaf for a week by now, which by my standards comes down to about 1000km of driving it and it will be my pleasure to write about my experience so far. The car itself First up, this is my new company car, aka my daily […]

Flutter, Day 02

Dear diary,today I resumed my journey into Flutter and like every good story, this one starts with a disaster. Not a Flutter related one, but I am getting ahead of myself. I started like on any other day of developing, good coffee, plug my MacBook Air into my external monitor and open up VS-Code. Quickly […]

Flutter, Day 01

Dear diary, today I started to get into developing with flutter. Why you ask? Well, the promise of this language is, it will compile on just about any system you can imagine, deploy to Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, Web and Windows with just one code basis. Sounds good right? How it went? I landed flat […]

The zombie apocalypse is already here

Let’s start with the basics, what actually is a zombie? Originally it referred to a dead person brought back to life by means of magic or voodoo. That person had no will of its own and was controlled by its master, the person brining it back to life. In current movies zombies are mostly living […]

My workflow changed (Partially)

I am not sure when this started happening, but I while back I could not live at the office without having at least three monitors to work on, one for mail, one for coding and one for server connections, testing and debugging. I gradually reduced that to two. Also, when multiple workspaces were an option, […]

The “Far out” Apple Event

I don’t usually care much about these Apple events, but the “Far Out” event of September 7th, 2022 is one I did actually watch after it was held and I saw the new devices. A couple of years back, Apple called themselves courages for removing the headphone jack from their phones, so they could sell […]

Why I don’t miss mainstream social media

There are so many social media platforms out there, facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram, tiktok, and youtube for example. It’s kind of hard to remember them all. Did I miss one? Plenty actually, but more on that later. My main experience with most of these wasn’t something I’d care to repeat. And that is not the […]

Staying on top of things

Today will be a bit of a dry subject, it will be about the way I manage things for myself, but hey, maybe you, dear reader, find something in there that will help make your life a bit easier as well. First up, I have tried a lot of tools to stay on top of […]

The F(x)Tec Pro1-X

A different kind of product review This is the most brilliant phone I ever had, it has plenty of power, the keyboard in combination with its free-software operating system Ubuntu Touch, the ability to plug it into an external monitor and use it as a fully blown desktop make it one of a kind and […]

9 months on a Mac

If you followed this blog for a while, you might remember that back in December 2021 my, until then, trusty Thinkpad decided it was time to blow up its battery and I, for some reason, decided to get a MacBook Air as my new computer. This post will be about the ups and downs I […] All Rights Reserved. Theme by 404 THEME.